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When people tell you that their job is to make money via Twitter your probably like "pfft yea right" what they don't tell you is the secret how they do it.

The secret is RevTwt, it has no sign up cost YET! Click the image below to be taken to the free sign up.

To start earning money on RevTwt you register as a publisher HERE and add your twitter account information.

Then, with a single button,post a Cost Per Click (CPC), Twitter-friendly ad into your Twitter account. When tweeters click on the reader-friendly ads you post, you will get paid for each valid click.

(optional) One can earn a fixed fee posting Cost Per Thousand (CPT) follower ads into a Twitter timeline. You need to have the minimum number of followers (1000) to post on of these CPT ads.

Also, you can choose the Cost per Action (CPA) ad method in any email sent by you, or post them in a forum post, blog, comments, social networks, status updates, wall posts, and

make money from every social conversation you have on the Internet!

When other people complete this action, (typically submit an email or zip code) you get paid.

Here’s the best part. You can make money using twitter and it’s a free sign up online.

DON’T get left out…

Get started right now. Log on HERE